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Center for Advanced Research in Forensic Science

The Center for Advanced Research in Forensic Science (CARFS) is a partnership-based collaboration between academic researchers, government laboratories, industry leaders, and the end-user community with an aim to develop, implement and commercialize tools which benefit the national forensic science research enterprise. CARFS' structure is based on the National Science Foundation’s Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) model to promote innovation in product development, techniques, strategies, and methodologies for application by stakeholders.

The Science of Success

Established 2017 and funded though 2028.

  • ~$2MIn Phase I Research Funds
  • 65Funded Projects
  • 18Forensic Science Disciplines
  • 31Supported Faculty
  • 75Graduate and Undergrad Students
  • 5Partner Universities
  • 26Publications
  • 61Presentations
  • 109Posters
  • 3Patents
By having the problem delivered to them, researchers can focus on finding a solution instead of trying to solve a problem that might not be a priority for the industry.

Kenneth G. Furton, Director, CARFS; Executive Director, Global Forensic and Justice Center, Florida International University